Engaging Families Ofsted Outstanding
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2 – 3 Yrs

From two to three years

Toddlers becoming independent

Keeping two year olds healthy

  • During the year between two and three children usually become toilet trained – but will do so in their own time and shouldn’t be rushed
  • Continue to introduce your child to a healthy and more varied diet – good habits will be acquired through what children experience in the home
  • From the age of two years toddlers can receive the nasal spray flu vaccine – as flu can be a nasty virus for young children
  • Children may still have tantrums but these will probably lessen during this year – consistent routines and boundaries are still needed
  • Children will become increasingly active at this stage – and adults need to support children’s physical development

Keeping two year olds safe

  • Children will not be able to assess danger at this stage – and depend on adults to keep them safe
  • Make sure your child understands NO and STOP – so that immediate danger can be avoided
  • It is a good idea to teach your child their full name – and possibly their address later into the third year
  • Teach your child skills which will help them keep safe – when you are not on hand
  • Allow your child to take safe risks – so that they can learn to make their own judgements

Helping two year olds learn

  • Continue to talk and offer explanations to your child – they will learn a lot from you
  • Play music, sing songs and recite rhymes to your child – so that they will acquire a sense of rhythm and beat which helps reading skills
  • Read books, ask questions about the pictures and dramatise stories and allow your child to draw and paint – these skills will support later learning
  • Allow your child to become independent – and try to do things for themselves even if it takes a little more time at first
  • Allow time and space for learning through play and everyday family activities – children need to be able to come to an understanding of the world in their own way

Children with disabilities may have a wider range of developmental milestones and so their needs may differ – always consult with your Doctor, Health Visitor or Nursery  who will be able to provide more information on supporting individual children’s development.

Enjoy being with your child being at this age, as that is the best way to prepare them for the next stage of their learning and development!

Click here for more information Two to Three years