Manningham Community Nursery Schools Federation
“All Different, All Special, All Equal Together”

The Power of Play
Play is at the heart of our approach to learning. It is the most powerful tool we have to empower and support children to live well, reach their full potential and fulfil their dreams.
When children are deeply engrossed in play their learning is sophisticated and complex.
Play enables children to:
- express their inner thoughts and ideas,
- listen and negotiate,
- be highly motivated, seeking knowledge and testing out their theories,
- explore feelings and emotions,
- learn to share,
- develop social interaction,
- practise their recently acquired skills, celebrating what they know.
Giving children time and space to play is fundamental to the structure of our school day.
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
This phrase originates from an African proverb. It forms the basis of our work with families and children.
Involving parents in children’s learning is crucially important to us. In partnership with you, we will unlock your child’s potential.
We hold regular events so that parents can join in with children’s learning and find out how to use play at home to maximise learning.
We often take children out into the community. This is a powerful way to develop their communication and it teaches children to value and take of the place where they live and the wider environment. We run courses for parents and members of the community. We hold coffee mornings for parents and each half term parents are invited to our parent forum to evaluate the performance of our schools. We encourage you to come along and get involved.

We value the rich diversity within our Manningham community. Everyone is welcome here.
We want all children to achieve the very best they can. We do this by:
- tuning in with children and finding the best way to promote communication,
- using a range of sensory experiences to promote a strong sense of understanding,
- ensuring children’s well-being and involvement are at the forefront of our planning and assessment processes,
- taking into account factors in the home environment that may affect a child’s ability to learn,
- regularly reviewing our environments.
Our wonderful, highly skilled staff team have the knowledge and expertise to tap into what children know. We make sure that time is provided every day, for parents to talk to staff. We are passionate about celebrating children’s achievements and this forms the focus of our work with children.