Our school is open 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.00am – 4.30pm on Fridays. Session times vary according to the age of the child and whether or not additional wrap around is required.
At Midland Road Nursery School we believe good attendance is essential. Children that come to school everyday benefit greatly in their emotional wellbeing, confidence and learning and development. Good attendance helps to prepare children for the real world experiences they will have as an adult and is a vital skill for life.
Arriving and leaving on time is important too. This helps children to plan their learning and feel happy and secure. Consistent routines really help children to thrive, so try to make sure you prepare everything for school the night before. Leave yourself plenty of time on the day to eat breakfast or lunch before setting off. We guarantee this will enhance your child’s overall wellbeing.
We ask all parents/carers to aim for 100% attendance.
90% attendance sounds good, but means that your child misses;
- 1 half day each week
- Nearly 4 weeks of a school year
- 1 school year over the course of the whole school lifetime
We check children’s attendance daily. If your child’s attendance falls we will contact you to talk through the things we could do to help it improve. You can read more information about this in our Attendance Policy
If your child is unwell, please ring school on 01274 546492 before 9am for morning children, or 12.45pm for afternoon children and let you know your child is absence. We also need to know the reason why they are absent.
If your child has sickness or diorreah, they must stay away from school until 48 hours after the symptoms disappear.
Holidays should be taken during school holiday periods. Please click below to see our holiday dates.