Engaging Families Ofsted Outstanding
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1 – 2 Yrs

From one to two years

Babies become toddlers

Keeping young toddlers healthy

  • At twelve months old babies usually have a full health check – and vaccinations to protect your toddler will need to continue during this year.
  • Babies will tell you that they are ready to start weaning by accepting soft finger foods – and a healthy diet is very important.
  • Babies usually become active and mobile during this period and physical demands on carers may increase – so it is important that parents maintain good health and well-being in order to meet the extra demands of an active toddler
  • Babies come to recognise themselves as independent beings with strong feelings during this period – their tantrums are their expression of feeling frustrated at their limitations and they need to be treated calmly and consistently
  • Babies still rely on special people for security and comfort – but increasingly come to notice other babies and children.

Keeping young toddlers safe

  • Young toddlers cannot keep themselves safe – and it is entirely our responsibility to ensure their safety
  • At the time when children start to walk their head is still too heavy for their body which often causes them to lose balance and tumble over – parents and carers need to keep this in mind as toddlers move around
  • Making the home safe – many things can be dangerous for example wires, curtain cords, hot kettles, irons
  • Making the yard or garden safe – there may be things which may only be dangerous to a small child for example shallow pools of water.
  • All external boundaries should be secure – so that if the toddler wanders outside there is no possibility of their getting into the street or road alone

Helping young toddlers learn

  • Making opportunities for physical activity helps brain development – so let them run, climb and jump
  • Talking to your toddler has enormous benefits for intellectual development – so keep up those conversations
  • Reading stories and looking at books with your child helps the brain to grow – books give young children the opportunity to find out so much about the world they live in and help them to become ready to read
  • Providing items such as crayons and paint improve manipulative skills and support eye-hand coordination – which prepares the child for future more complex activities such as writing
  • Playing alongside your toddler in make-believe play supports developing imagination – and nurtures creative thinking

Children with disabilities may have a wider range of developmental milestones and so their needs may differ – always consult with your Doctor, Health Visitor or Nursery who will be able to provide more information on supporting individual children’s development.

Enjoy being with your child being at this age, as that is the best way to prepare them for the next stage of their learning and development!

Click here for more information from 1 to 2 years