Engaging Families Ofsted Outstanding
Phone 01274 546492
Latest News
  • Free nursery sessions available for 15 & 30 hours
  • Please contact 01274 546492 for further information

Visitors Days and Twilights

Please keep checking for our most recent training opportunities working in partnership with Bradford Nursery Schools.

If you would like to visit Midland Road Nursery School please Email  office@midlandroad.co.uk   Or Phone 01274  546492

Some examples of feedback from visits to our school;

“Interesting to find out what other settings are doing, always great to come to your fab setting and ask lots of questions.”

“Loved your setting will adopt new ideas for my setting, and will use information provided”

“Lots of brilliant ideas – practically, especially outdoors. Structures / systems.”

“Thankyou I had a brilliant very informative morning … what a lovely setting”